
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Empowering, building, cultivating: 2024 in review

“Strong people don’t need strong leaders.”

This timeless wisdom, attributed to Ella Baker, resonates deeply as we reflect on the year behind us and look to the challenges ahead. Baker, a towering figure of the 20th-century civil rights movement, believed in the transformative power of collective strength. She understood that meaningful and lasting change is born from the ground up when ordinary people work together to build extraordinary movements.

A blue and black cover of Civic Nebraska's 2024-25 annual report. At Civic Nebraska, we take this belief to heart and draw strength from people like you. In 2025, all of us are called to maintain and protect democracy in our great state – and beyond. Civic Nebraska is uniquely poised to harness and guide this collective power to meet the confrontations sure to come because this has been our mission for nearly two decades.

Our 2024-25 annual report highlights just a slice of our determination, resilience, and impact in 2024. It also casts plans for the coming year and beyond. We think you’ll agree that it’s a testament to the power of Nebraskans as they reach for a modern democracy that includes, represents, and uplifts everyone.

We suffer under no illusions about what lies ahead. But this we pledge: Civic Nebraska will rise to confront anti-democratic efforts in Nebraska wherever and whenever they appear. We do this with enthusiasm and confidence because of you. Time and again, your courage and commitment have reaffirmed Ella Baker’s call to action. Time and again, you and others like you have demonstrated that when the people lead, the leaders will follow. 

The strength we need is already within us. As we reflect on 2024 one last time, let’s resolve to use that power wisely in the coming year.

– Your friends and neighbors at Civic Nebraska