
Our new director of public policy: Westin Miller

Westin Miller has been named Civic Nebraska’s director of public policy. Westin joined Civic Nebraska in 2017 and was our registered lobbyist with the Nebraska Legislature in 2018.

In addition to continuing his responsibilities at the Capitol, Westin will coordinate the policy efforts and strategies across all of Civic Nebraska’s program areas. He begins his new duties on July 1.

Westin Miller has been named Civic Nebraska’s director of public policy

A major goal of the newly created position is to expand Civic Nebraska’s policy portfolio to reflect the programmatic work we do on a daily basis. This includes our youth civic leadership, civic health, and voting rights initiatives

“I like to think of Civic Nebraska’s work as protecting the lifetime of the voter,” he said. “That starts in schools, but includes their neighborhoods, their community engagement, and their participation in elections. It’s exciting to see our policy work reflect that entire process.” 

As director of public policy, Westin will be our main point of contact with policymakers at the local, state, and federal level. Also, he will conduct research, oversee our coordinated legislative strategy, and monitor Civic Nebraska’s compliance with nonprofit lobbying rules and reporting compliance. 

Westin has always seen political involvement as essential to creating a more just society. 

“Government doesn’t exist without buy-in from the people,” he said. “Even for Nebraskans who aren’t eligible to vote, there are so many important ways to engage and make a real difference. I want to make that engagement as easy and meaningful as possible.”

Westin, a native of Kansas City, Missouri, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Creighton University. He joined Civic Nebraska as a voting rights communications associate.

Help us congratulate Westin on his new role. He’s at we***********@ci***********.org.