4 rules to build Nebraska’s emotional infrastructure

What would our communities be like if we created foundational rules for working together – on an interpersonal level – to make things happen?
Confronting change: Lessons from a brave and proud people

Melissa Garcia reflects on a pre-pandemic trip to Panama, and lessons from indigenous peoples in an era of disruption and change.
How change hangs in the balance (and the imbalance)

Without hope, we will never take the first meaningful step forward. And without conviction, we will settle for a lesser compromise.
Atop our voices: Listening, learning, and acting for community

As individuals in a larger system, we can help nurture a culture of caring, consideration, and thoughtful compromise – but that takes a consistent pattern of communication over time.
The third ecosystem

Nature has a way of taking care of itself. Sometimes, when major events sweep through the landscape, the way it recovers is by creating a new, third ecosystem. Picture this: […]