
One nation, individual

A group that thrives on individualism. Sounds like something of a contradiction, doesn’t it? How can the group prosper if it’s focused on the individual? It’s something of a mind-bending […]

Postcards from the southern border

As an immigration attorney, I advocate for immigrants seeking protection and benefits under U.S. immigration laws. Pursuant to that advocacy, I traveled to Tijuana last month to provide free legal […]

Everyday check-up

There is so much to do. Many of us are called to participate in community, family, and work-related activities on a day-to-day basis. It’s important as you take your commute […]

Optimism at the start of a new school year

I can hear their groans already. With school back in swing this week, many Nebraskans are returning to the old routines: The alarm clocks blaring at ungodly hours of the […]