Atop our voices: Listening, learning, and acting for community
As individuals in a larger system, we can help nurture a culture of caring, consideration, and thoughtful compromise – but that takes a consistent pattern of communication over time.
In Exeter-Milligan’s ‘electoral college,’ lessons in civic health
The commons area at Exeter-Milligan school is bustling for a winter Wednesday lunch hour. Usually, it’s a walkthrough from the cafeteria this time of day, but it’s voting day. Three […]
George Norris, the Great War, and political courage
Though I grew up 90 miles away in Grant, probably the first time I heard about McCook’s George Norris was in college. It wasn’t in history class, though. I was […]
One nation, individual
A group that thrives on individualism. Sounds like something of a contradiction, doesn’t it? How can the group prosper if it’s focused on the individual? It’s something of a mind-bending […]
Postcards from the southern border
As an immigration attorney, I advocate for immigrants seeking protection and benefits under U.S. immigration laws. Pursuant to that advocacy, I traveled to Tijuana last month to provide free legal […]
Rejecting echo-nomics and crossing the political divide
It’s not really breaking news for me to inform you that we have issues when it comes to having frank and respectful conversations with those who disagree with us. Much […]
Everyday check-up
There is so much to do. Many of us are called to participate in community, family, and work-related activities on a day-to-day basis. It’s important as you take your commute […]
Optimism at the start of a new school year
I can hear their groans already. With school back in swing this week, many Nebraskans are returning to the old routines: The alarm clocks blaring at ungodly hours of the […]
Fake news: Much ado about nothing and a problem for democracy
Careful what you believe! It could be fake news. And it could be threatening our democracy. “Fake news” has become a political weapon, a term of derision. And a meme. […]
The need for (and the eternal challenge of) a balance of powers
Benevolent despotism. These days, when the U.S. Congress is firmly divided by ideology and even our beloved nonpartisan Unicameral has some trouble getting its chores taken care of, one can […]