The 2018 midterms are Nov. 6. That means that in Nebraska:
- the deadline to register online is 11:59 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19.
- the deadline for registering to vote by mail is Friday, Oct. 19.
- the deadline to register to vote in person is Friday, Oct. 26.
But why wait? Today is a perfect day to participate in your democracy by registering to vote. And even if you are pretty sure you’re already registered, it’s a good idea to double-check your registration status here.
The compelling reasons to register are plentiful. Back in April, we offered seven big reasons in advance of the May 15 primaries. Because that list is still relevant — and actually, maybe even more relevant — today, here they are again. Enjoy.

1. It’s really, really easy.
Like, really easy. Registering to vote online in Nebraska only takes a few minutes – the equivalent of approximately 2.5 cute cat videos. Go on, it’s OK. Fluffy and Mittens will understand.

2. Democracies are cool — but only when citizens act.
Did you know that the United States is one of just a handful of democracies that puts the responsibility of registering to vote on its citizens? That’s one reason why the United States tends to be behind places like, say, Belgium, South Korea, Israel, Mexico, Canada, and Australia in voter turnout. To live up to our belief that we’re the greatest country in the world, we need to participate in its decision-making.

3. Politicians and elected officials will know who you are.
Neighborhoods, towns, and cities that vote get more attention and responsiveness from candidates and elected officials. Few visit or listen to neighborhoods, towns, and cities that don’t have high voter registration and turnout. If you register and vote, you greatly increase the likelihood that you will command their attention.

4. It’s your life — you should get to decide.
If you don’t register to vote, you’re basically handing your personal power over what matters most to you to someone else. Sure, it’s good to be trusting and open to other people’s ideas, but it might be taking it too far to let them decide the course of your community, nation, and world for you.

5. Your kids will thank you.
Until they reach the age of 18, youth count on us to represent them. When you register to vote, you’re making a promise to the children in your community, state, and country that you care about their future.

6. It’s the most American thing you’ll do all day.
Voting is one of our most important rights. Still, there are plenty of people out there who would rather that you find anything else to do on Election Day except vote. But there is power in numbers — and voting is one of the most deeply held American traditions we have. Register today so you don’t regret it in November.

It’s that simple. All elections are consequential, but the 2018 election in particular is shaping up to be a doozy in that department. It’s a notable election year, and you will want to be a part of it.