
Randolph rocks the robotics

This year our Randolph Elementary Community Learning Center started Rockin Robotics, a club where students operate Vex IQ robots. It’s the newest robotics club in our seven before- and after-school programs in Lincoln and Omaha.

Students design a racecourse made of tape on the floor and take turns racing their robots. The club focuses on sparking students’ interest in engineering and STEM. Students learn how to control their robots and stay on the course. And, Rockin Robotics encourages our youth to ask questions while having fun with friends.

Rockin Robotics was founded by a donation from Jerry Varner, a Randolph community member. His donation was matched by Civic Nebraska and together we got five Vex IQ robotics kits for our Randolph CLC. This allows each child multiple opportunities to use the robots.

“The students have loved it – I can’t tell you how many kids I had come up to me wanting to know more about the club and the different things they could do,” Randolph CLC Director Levi Eggers said.

Our school-based Community Learning Centers encourage youth to think critically, work together to solve challenges, and explore new interests. Learn more about our CLCs.