Hello, I’m Kendra Mullins, a Collective Impact Lincoln community organizer intern with Civic Nebraska this summer. I’m working on a panel discussion on at-risk youth and organizations in Lincoln that are proactive in keeping youth out of incarceration and helping them succeed in school and in life. At Civic Nebraska I work closely with Community Organizer Jose Lemus, whose focus is on University Place Neighborhood.

I’m a student at Nebraska Wesleyan University. My major is social work. I’m not quite sure what area I want to work in yet. Good thing I still have three years to figure it out.

I like to be busy. I am never in my dorm room — or anyplace — too long, except for my classes, of course. I am in two clubs, two committees, have two on-campus jobs, plus the Student Affairs Senate. Luckily, I still find time to volunteer off-campus.

I like poetry. Though, I don’t necessarily read other poets’ poetry, unless I have to for class. I latched onto poetry in seventh grade and it’s such a beautiful form of art and an easy way to express myself. Remember: There is no such thing as wrong poetry.

I am originally from Georgia. I moved to the small town of Elwood, Nebraska, five years ago. The population is fewer than 800, and it’s a small town surrounded by corn and cattle. As much as I disliked it when I moved there, I’ve grown attached to seeing the corn grow over the summer — and I am sad when it’s all gone.

I am glad to have the chance to be an intern here at Civic Nebraska. The people here are friendly. They’re also very dedicated to their work.