
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

“Fight Like Crazy”

Fight like crazy, and donate to help protect the right to vote today!

What an incredible evening. On Thursday we had the pleasure of hosting Jason Kander, Founder/President of Let America Vote, for “Art + Activism: An evening dedicated to protecting the right to vote.”

This voting rights rally and art show brought together voting rights supporters from across the state. We celebrated past victories, but more importantly reminded ourselves that we must stay vigilant and stay aggressive in our fight to protect the vote in Nebraska. Jason outlined the national strategy to suppress the right to vote: 1) diminish confidence in our electoral system, 2) create barriers to the right to vote, and 3) create barriers to the barriers.

Jason visited 33 states this year, and he reminded us how unique our situation is in Nebraska. We are the only state with our political climate that has successfully resisted a push for Voter ID laws. He also reminded us that we now have a federal government that is actively trying to suppress the right to vote. Over the next year, we will work hard to not only stop voter suppression, but also proactively modernize our election system.

This is because of you, and it’s why we need to you to sign up to be a voting rights advocate today.

Will you help us continue this fight by making a donation to the Voting Rights Program today? Jason told us throughout the evening that it is essential we continue to succeed in Nebraska — not only for ourselves, but because we are an example for other states of how to have elections that accessible, fair, and modern.

This legislative session is sure to include another attempt at Voter ID, but with your help as a voting rights advocate we can defeat it. This will require people, time and resources, but I know we can do it.

If you weren’t able to attend the event but want to get your hands on one of our limited edition screen printed posters from the event, you can purchase them below.

"Packing & Cracking"
by Justin Kemerling
by Justin Kemerling
"Eagle Claws"
by Jessica Smolinski
by Kelsey Scofield
by Matt Carlson
"All people"
by Jesse Harding
"Protect the Vote"
by Oxide Design Co

Select a Design to Purchase

Proceeds will go directly to our voting rights program, or you can make a donation here. Every dollar counts.

The fight to keep elections fair and modern never stops. As Jason told us, we need to “take it one battle at a time. And fight like crazy.”

We will. Are you in?