
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Fair redistricting in Nebraska

Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around. Every 10 years, politicians redraw legislative maps; our current process allows politicians to draw their own maps however they want.

By packing as many opposition party voters as possible into a district, or by spreading them out too thinly to make a difference, politicians can effectively erase voters not suitable to their own goals. Meanwhile, they effectively guarantee their own re-election. This process invites corruption and provides no way for voters to hold their elected officials accountable.

We can change this. Nebraska’s state senators are currently considering legislation that would improve our redistricting process. This legislation increases transparency, protects the integrity of our elections, and makes it harder for politicians to hand-pick their voters.

You can help bring this reform to Nebraska. Share your support of fair redistricting with the Executive Board of the Legislative Council. The Executive Board will consider LB107, a bill to adopt the Redistricting Act to make Nebraska’s process fairer, at noon Feb. 17 in Room 1525 at the Nebraska State Capitol. You can testify in person, submit written testimony in person, or submit it digitally in advance.

To submit written testimony in person

This year, committees are accepting written testimony for public hearings on a bill or resolution as a way for those who are concerned about safety by testifying in person but wish to have their testimony submitted, their name recorded on the committee statement, and included in the formal committee hearing record as if they had testified in person. You must submit 12 copies of your testimony in person between 8:30 and 9:30 am CST at the committee room where the hearing is set to take place. See this page for more guidelines and requirements for submitting written testimony in person.

To email a position letter stating your support of LB107

Send an email to ex***@le*.gov. If you can’t make it to the State Capitol on Feb. 17 or don’t feel safe testifying in person, this is the most effective method to share your voice. You must do this no later than noon CST Feb. 16.

To be part of the public record, your email must include:
> your name and address;
> your position for the measure; and
> a sentence requesting that your letter be included in the record.

You also can find contact information for all Nebraska state senators at If you receive a response from an individual state senator, feel free to share it with us. Go to and share highlights from your conversation or their written response.

Thanks for all that you do, and for fighting for fair redistricting!