
Civic Nebraska @ the Statehouse: Fair redistricting

Civic Nebraska loves fair redistricting, so we will be spending part of Valentine’s Day testifying at the Nebraska State Capitol in favor of it. We hope you can join us. You can RSVP for the noon Executive Board hearing here.

The hearing will address LB466, LB467, LB261, and LB253. While these bills all take different approaches, they would all move us to a fairer version of redistricting and map-drawing. Fair redistricting is key to a strong democracy because voters should choose their politicians and not the other way around.


> Redistricting affects what issues are addressed and what issues are ignored.

> A good redistricting process leads to more openness and transparency.

> If the process is not independent, the process of redistricting can be used to reward or punish political parties, hurting Nebraska’s tradition of a nonpartisan Legislature.

What: Executive Board hearing on LB466, LB467, LB261, and LB253
When: Noon Feb. 14
Where: Nebraska State Capitol, Hearing Room 1525

If you have questions about redistricting, giving testimony, or need help with preparation, feel free to reach out of me. Also, if you need help paying for travel, please indicate so in your RSVP. 

If you are not able to attend please reach out to members of the Executive Board and let them know you support fair redistricting.

Here is an example script you can use when contacting your elected officials:


My name is_________. I’m a constituent of Senator ________ and I wanted to call/write/email and urge the Senator to stand up for Nebraskans and our voices by supporting a fair redistricting process. I believe a fair redistricting process is a good idea because

(Pick one or two messages from above or another reason you are for the legislation.)

Please let the senator know fair redistricting would be good for their constituents and the entire state of Nebraska. Thank you.

Get involved: Crete

Don’t forget, Civic Nebraska’s Team Voting Rights will be in Crete on Feb. 16 for an advocacy training. Learn how to be a Voting Rights Advocate in Nebraska, practice communicating your opinion effectively, and learn the next steps to take action to protect voting rights in our state. We’ll see you at 11 a.m. Saturday at Crete Public Library, 305 E 13th St. Let us know you’re coming by RSVPing on the Facebook event.

Thanks for all that you do,

Brad Christian-Sallis
Voting Rights Field Director