
Election protection in a pandemic: Our plans for May 12

Here’s a quick reminder: Our first Election Protector Training of 2020 will be 5 p.m. this Thursday, April 9, on Facebook Live. You can RSVP here. In addition to discussing election observation for the upcoming May 12 Nebraska Primary, we and our partners will share important primary election information and resources that every Nebraskan should know right now, whether they act as observers or not.

As part of our Election Protection Program, Civic Nebraska typically trains and then deploys nonpartisan election observers to precinct sites around the state. While our primary election is still weeks away, COVID-19’s spread and impact have created extra uncertainty about in-person voting for the May primary.

The Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office currently indicates in-person voting will occur in Nebraska on May 12. As such, we and our partners are continuing our plans to train volunteer election observers for Primary Election Day. We want to work through thoughts, concerns, and questions with you on this topic. Please plan to join us for this 90-minute information session and ask the questions that are on your mind.

Now more than ever, it’s important for every voter to be aware of their rights on Primary Election Day – and to know where they can go to get help if they need it. This virtual training and Q&A will help provide those answers and can point you to resources in your area of the state.

So mark your calendars, Like us on Facebook if you haven’t yet, and then RSVP for what, with your participation, will be an interesting and informative session.

See you at 5 p.m. Thursday on Facebook Live. We’re looking forward to it. And thank you, as always, for defending your democracy.

John Cartier
Director of Voting Rights
Civic Nebraska