
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Civic Saturday coming to Lincoln

Mark your calendars: Civic Nebraska is hosting a Civic Saturday in Lincoln on Dec. 7. The event, which will be from 10:30 to noon, is free and open to the public.

What’s a Civic Saturday? The events were created in 2016 by Eric Liu of Citizen University and are modeled after a worship service. Instead of religious sermons, Civic Saturdays feature a “sermon” about the importance of civic engagement. It also features music and small-group discussions on different topics.

The Dec. 7 “civic sermon” will be delivered by Brian Smith. Brian, of Omaha, went through civic seminarian training through Citizen U., the originator of Civic Saturdays, and we’re grateful to Brian for sharing his thoughts with us.

Amanda Barker, Civic Nebraska’s deputy executive director and head of our Civic Health Program, says Civic Saturday is “a real opportunity to gather with all sorts of community members in Lincoln and beyond to remind us what that shared civic spirit is.”

With small-group discussion, Civic Saturdays allow community members who may have different views to engage with one another. It’s a reminder that, despite our different views, we can work together to improve our community. 

“Especially in the midst of a potentially divisive election cycle, it’s nice to gather and focus on what’s more alike than different in our community,” Amanda says. 

So be sure to save Saturday, Dec. 7, for an engaged, engaging morning to celebrate our shared civic values. Check back for updates on venue and schedule, and stay tuned for more information on Civic Saturday soon.