Today, Nebraskans are again called upon to fight a harmful voter ID proposal after LR292CA was introduced in the Nebraska Legislature. No one can point to a voter impersonation fraud conviction in our state – or even a tangible problem of voter fraud – and combating this myth could waste millions of taxpayer dollars while risking the disenfranchisement of thousands of Nebraska voters.

It’s easy to create hype around voter ID. But it never results in good policymaking or more secure elections. This proposed constitutional amendment, just like its failed predecessors, is unnecessary, violates Nebraska values, and will result in a wildly expensive legislative solution to a problem that simply does not exist.
Civic Nebraska and our statewide coalition of voting rights advocates stand ready to defeat this legislation in the interest of all Nebraska voters. The voter ID effort is well-funded and well-coordinated, and that’s where you come in. Will you chip in today to help us defend Nebraska values and defeat this ill-conceived measure?
Meanwhile, if senators wish to modernize our state’s election infrastructure, we will happily work with them to pass useful reforms – such as improving voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles, nonpartisan redistricting, or bills like LB163 that allow counties the freedom to conduct elections using a vote-by-mail standard.
As we’ve seen in other states, legislation that expands access to the ballot box works. Voter ID bills, on the other hand, only serve to increase wasteful government bureaucracy and deny eligible Americans their right to vote. Together, let’s make voter ID history.
Thanks for all that you do,

John Cartier
Director of Voting Rights
Civic Nebraska