
Behind on Rent: Virtual film screening, Q&A is Dec. 18

If you care about racial equality, pay attention to eviction. If you care about school quality, pay attention to eviction. If you care about healthcare costs, pay attention to eviction.
Eviction ripples across our whole community – so it’ll take our whole community to address it. Start Dec. 18 by joining Collective Impact Lincoln, Legal Aid of Nebraska, and the South of Downtown Community Development Organization for a live virtual screening of Behind on Rent, a 25-minute film by Lincoln filmmaker Gabriella Parsons that tells the stories of housing-insecure Nebraskans and their families amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Behind on Rent, filmed this fall in Lincoln and Omaha, shares the human toll of Nebraska’s burgeoning eviction crisis and features the efforts of those who are working to protect our neighbors from being unhoused.

Join us on Facebook each weekday starting Monday, Dec. 14, through Thursday, Dec. 17 for portraits, biographies, and stories of the face of eviction in Nebraska – and to get early access to each of four installments of Behind on Rent.

Then, be sure to RSVP for a full-length, live premiere of the film at 2 pm CST Friday, Dec. 18, on Zoom. A panel discussion and live Q&A will immediately follow the screening.

RSVP for the 2 pm Dec. 18 Zoom live screening and Q&A by clicking here. For more information on the eviction crisis and what you can do to help, visit