As you know, Civic Nebraska is building the next generation of leaders through our outside-of-school programs in Lincoln and Omaha. Every day, our Youth Civic Leadership programs serve more than 1,000 youth via a range of before-school, after-school, outside-school clubs, and other extended learning opportunities.
We’re also a proud supporter of the Afterschool Alliance – the nation’s leading after-school advocacy group that engages with agencies, elected officials, businesses, and more than 25,000 program providers across the country.

Afterschool Alliance is the pre-eminent voice to ensure children have quality, affordable after-school opportunities. That’s why we’re honored it has chosen to spotlight our after-school programs for its members this month.
We hope you’ll take the time to read the entire spotlight, but here are some excerpts from the Alliance that superbly sum up what our Youth Civic Leadership Programs are all about:
Part of building a body of civically informed and active citizens begins with empowering and engaging youth. To meet this objective, Civic Nebraska designed Youth Civic Leadership programming for elementary and middle school students in Lincoln and Omaha’s high-poverty neighborhoods. These programs use service learning and community leadership as tools to encourage students to invest in themselves and their communities.
Civic Nebraska’s afterschool Youth Civic Leadership programs help youth become engaged, curious, and civically-minded students, in part by helping to expand the minds of students beyond what they may have experienced otherwise. Program staff also see increased positive behavior, confidence, and excitement to learn in program participants over time.
Civic Nebraska champions authentic service learning as a transformative skill-building experience for elementary and middle school students. The Youth Civic Leadership program curriculum incorporates best practices for high-quality service learning. This includes coordinating service-learning lessons with state standards and school improvement plans to support student academic success. Program leaders also promote hands-on youth-driven projects to reinforce youth voice.
By encouraging youth to take initiative, critically think through issues, and make educated decisions about how to solve community problems, Civic Nebraska’s afterschool service-learning program builds confident civic leaders with strong academic and employment skills.
Thank you, Afterschool Alliance, for sharing our story and our success. We’ve always known just how special our after-school programs are, and we’re grateful for the chance to share our story with the rest of the country.