State Sen. Rick Holdcroft of Bellevue has introduced LB541, which would severely restrict voting by mail, eliminate online registration and registration by mail, impose arbitrary hurdles on early voting, and force error-prone hand counts of Nebraskans’ ballots. For obvious reasons, Civic Nebraska strongly opposes this bill. All Nebraskans – especially the one in three Nebraska voters who regularly choose to vote by mail – should, too.
This bill begs the obvious question: Why, at long last, do Nebraska lawmakers persist in introducing proposals that echo outdated and wholly invented concerns around our elections? These measures only serve to undermine the voting choices of so many Nebraskans, lack a basis in reality, and threaten to upend one of our state’s most efficient and trusted institutions.
Nebraska’s elections are among the most secure, accessible, and respected in the nation. For years, our state has been a model of electoral integrity, with robust systems that ensure every vote counts. LB541 threatens to upend this legacy with unnecessary and harmful changes. Instead of strengthening our elections, LB541 would create confusion, disenfranchise voters, and erode public trust. This proposal and ones like it may make the illusion of promoting “election integrity.” But in reality, they amount to nothing more than time-consuming, money-wasting security theater.
›› Online voter registration has been a game-changer for accessibility and efficiency in Nebraska. It provides a convenient and secure method for eligible voters to participate in our democracy. Rolling back this progress would disproportionately impact rural Nebraskans, young voters, and individuals with mobility challenges.
›› Restricting registration by mail eliminates a critical option for Nebraskans who cannot easily travel to in-person registration sites. These changes are not just solutions in search of a problem but direct attacks on voter participation.
›› Early voting, both in-person and by mail, has become a cornerstone of how Nebraskans exercise their right to vote. It reflects the flexibility and practicality that modern voters need. Lawmakers are sending a clear message by imposing arbitrary hurdles on early voting: they do not trust Nebraskans to vote responsibly. This distrust is unwarranted and, frankly, offensive. Voters choose early voting because it fits their busy lives. Restricting this option creates unnecessary barriers for working families, seniors, rural Nebraskans, young people, and anyone who relies on the convenience and access of early voting.
›› Perhaps the most alarming aspect of LB541 is its push for hand-counted ballots. While it might sound appealing to some as a return to simpler times, the reality is far different. Hand counts are notoriously error-prone and time-intensive, often leading to delays and inaccuracies. Nebraska has invested in reliable, secure voting technology that has been rigorously tested and proven – proven – effective. Largely abandoning these systems and requiring a significant portion of ballots to be subjected to a more error-prone method would be a big step backward.
This petty, self-serving legislation insults Nebraska voters. It prioritizes political theater over practical solutions and sows distrust where none should exist. Nebraskans deserve better than legislation that seeks to erode their voting options under the guise of “reform.” They deserve ideas to protect and expand their right to vote, not undermine it with baseless claims, mean-spirited policies, and using fear to justify unnecessary changes to a system that works.
Nebraskans value their elections and the choices they provide. We cherish our right to vote securely, conveniently, and confidently. Any attempt to erode this right will face fierce resistance from voters across the political spectrum who demand that we all do better. In this case, much better.