
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

LB3: a solution in search of a problem

Today, a partisan bill was introduced in the Nebraska Legislature that would eliminate our state’s unique split-vote Electoral College system. LB3 would replace the split-vote system with a winner-take-all approach. Nebraskans must oppose this bill, which dilutes their voices and moves the state away from fairer representation in presidential elections.

Here are a few reasons why the split electoral system makes sense for communities across our state:

›› It’s fairer than winner-take-all. It gets us closer to the ideal of one person, one vote. Nebraskans don’t want their Electoral College system manipulated to accommodate outside interests.

›› It’s great for a state like ours. It ensures our small state is uniquely represented and shows voters the importance of their participation.

›› It’s popular. Residents across Nebraska, especially in Omaha and communities in its surrounding area, support keeping the split system.

›› It better reflects the state’s voters. Urban centers and rural areas each have a voice in the current system.

›› It means better representation. It motivates presidential campaigns to engage with Nebraskans and not just cynically assume the state will “vote one way.”

›› It empowers voters. When people feel their vote matters, turnout increases, and elections across the state are energized.

Don’t let Nebraskans’ electoral voices be reduced to a national afterthought. Contact your state senator TODAY and urge them to oppose this unfair measure. Find their contact information here ››

Together, we can protect Nebraska’s fair and unique Electoral College system. Thank you for taking action.

– Your friends and neighbors at Civic Nebraska

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