
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Roll to the polls this Election Day

Lincolnites and Omahans voting in person on Election Day: Don’t let transportation barriers keep you from voting! In Lincoln and Omaha, some public transportation will be free of charge, and other services will be discounted. Here’s a quick rundown.  

In Omaha: 

›› MetroORBT, and Moby are all free;

›› Heartland Bike Share is offering 24-hour passes for $1;

›› Lime scooters will provide a free ride to the polls starting on Oct. 29.

In Lincoln:

›› StarTran and BikeLNK will be free of charge.


›› Lyft is providing 50% off rides nationwide with the code VOTE24;

›› Uber provides 50% off rides nationwide when voters click the ‘Go Vote’ tile on the app.

Let your voice be heard this election season. Show up by rolling to the polls!

– Quinn Knispel