Every election year, hundreds of thousands of Nebraskans exercise their fundamental right to vote. As we enter the final month before our state’s May 14 primary election, the Secretary of State’s Office has issued the call for Nebraskans to step up and become poll workers.
Several Nebraska counties are still seeking election workers to staff their polling places. You can get started by contacting your county’s election commission office, learning what your county’s specific needs are on Primary Election Day, and then signing up to help.
It’s our civic duty.
That’s the not-so-radical idea that as citizens of our great state, we have a responsibility to contribute to how it functions. Serving as a poll worker is a clear and tangible way to fulfill this duty. By ensuring the smooth operation of polling stations, you’re facilitating the very foundation of democracy: your fellow Nebraskans’ right to vote.
It’s patriotic.
Patriotism requires a lot more from us than waving the flag. By becoming a poll worker, you’re demonstrating your love for your country by safeguarding the integrity of its elections. You’re upholding the values – fairness, equality, justice for all – that make our state and our country great.
It’s empowering.
Democracy is not a spectator sport. As a poll worker, you empower your fellow Nebraskans to participate in democracy and make sure that every voice is heard. This is the very essence of democracy – the power of the people.
It’s an experience like no other.
As a poll worker, you have a front-row seat to democracy in action. You witness the unique excitement and energy of Election Day. And you play a vital role in its success. All this while connecting with your community, meeting people from all walks of life, and making bonds that go beyond partisan divides.
Being a poll worker is a powerful display of optimism: As part of a team that safeguards fair and free elections, you are leaving a lasting impact on your community and your country.
Become a poll worker. Nebraska – and democracy – will thank you.