
Heads up: Mail-in ballot applications to arrive in February

Planning to vote by mail in the May 14 primary? Keep your eyes peeled – your application form is coming soon.
The application for an early mail-in ballot is the size of a postcard. It may come in different colors, depending on your county.
Early voting ballot applications in three of Nebraska’s most populous counties for Nebraska’s primary election will begin being sent to voters from early- to mid-February, officials said.
Douglas County officials estimated an early February delivery of the application cards. Election commission staff in Hall and Lancaster counties estimated delivery of mid-February.
Voters must fill out the postcard-size mail pieces, sign the application portion of the mailing, and return it to their county’s election commission to then receive a ballot by mail. Early mail-in ballots will not be automatically sent to voters who receive the postcard mailing or who requested a by-mail ballot for previous elections.
Applications can be returned via official ballot dropbox, U.S. Mail, e-mail, or FAX. Depositing them in an official ballot dropbox is the most direct and effective way to return them.
In Douglas County (Omaha), Hall County (Grand Island), and Lancaster County (Lincoln), February recipients will be registered voters who have signed up to be included on their respective county’s permanent early voting request list.
“This card assists my office in processing applications for by-mail ballots more efficiently, and we appreciate voters’ use of the card when possible,” said Brian Kruse, election commissioner for Douglas County.
Kruse and other election officials emphasized that registered voters who do not receive an early voting application postcard may request an early mail-in ballot by submitting a request in writing, accompanied by their signature. At the same time they request a ballot, voters can sign up to be included on the early voting request list for future elections.

For more details:

Douglas County

Hall County

Lancaster County

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