
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Meet Jann Rouzee, voting rights field organizer

Jann Rouzee of Scottsbluff is Civic Nebraska’s new voting rights field organizer for Greater Nebraska. The Broken Bow native and University of Nebraska, Kearney alumna began her duties earlier this month.

Jann Rouzee

Jann helps coordinate Civic Nebraska’s voting rights initiatives and campaigns, with a specific focus on areas of the state outside of Lincoln and Omaha. She also contributes to local and state get-out-the-vote campaigns and election protection activities in Greater Nebraska. In addition to building new networks in Nebraska communities, Jann leads direct outreach to all voters and residents.

“At my core, I am a deep humanitarian,” she said. “I believe that voting rights advocacy is a perfect way to direct this passion for those who have historically been underrepresented.”

Previously, Jann was executive director for the American Red Cross of Western Nebraska, Tech Prep Program, and Area Health Education. She was director of regional services for Regional West Medical Center and of the Primary Care Clinic for Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska.

In addition, Jann was a regional manager for a mobility-as-a-service startup and also has taught mathematics at Western Nebraska Community College. In 2021, she began a home-based business, Cocoa Stones, to craft all-natural, artisanal solid-lotion bars.

In addition to being a mathematician, Jann is an artist, a die-hard Ancient Aliens fan, and the quintessential DIYer, which sounds glamorous, but as she said, “actually consists mostly of replacing worn GFI outlets and fixing toilets.”

Jann aspires to be considered a polymath easily adhering to the five-hour rule. If you can’t find her, look outside, especially if it’s sunny out, hanging with her dog, Jupiter.

We’re glad Jann is on the Civic Nebraska team. Reach her at ja*********@ci***********.org.