
Walk & Talk: The 2023 Lincoln city primary

On April 4, Lincoln held its 2023 citywide primary election. Voters across Nebraska’s capital city chose which candidates for mayor, city council, school board, and airport authority would advance to the May 2 general election. Civic Nebraska’s Sam Mueggenberg checked in at a few polling places Tuesday to ask Lincolnites: Why is it important to vote in local elections? Here’s a sampling of their responses.

“All politics are local, such as property taxes. Everything that affects your daily life is by your local government.” – Lee Juergens

“It’s the lever of democracy in action.” – Ava Bohlender 

“Because if you don’t vote, you don’t have a voice.” – Angela Craig

“I think local elections have the most impact.” – Ben Powell

“It shows you care about your government and that you’re involved in your city.” – Sydney Stauffer 

Follow election results here, and learn more about the May 2 general election at our 2023 Election Central hub.