
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Serving, gathering, getting out the vote: our 2022 in review

Dear friends,

It’s been an exciting and eventful 2022. In November, we saw record-setting midterm elections in our state as well as around the country. Nebraskans joined the millions of Americans taking part in our time-honored, unique ritual of self-government.

And now, the work truly begins.

At Civic Nebraska we believe what everyone does after the votes are counted is just as important as what happens on Election Day. Strengthening democracy means a daily balancing of rivalry and consensus, of the competition for power and the need for compromise, and of partisan differences and the common good.

That’s why Civic Nebraska empowers Nebraskans to commit their whole selves to our democracy – to join, advocate, discuss, serve, and share their voices to shape their communities, their environments, and the decisions that affect their lives.

Here’s our 2022 at a glance.

In 2022, Voting Rights Initiatives:

›› Improved our election infrastructure. We worked with lawmakers on a bill upgrading our elections, including statewide standards for dropboxes, keeping voter rolls accurate, and ensuring voting is inclusive for all.

›› Countered conspiracy theories and misinformation. We launched a campaign to build faith in our elections, monitored elections, and joined with the Secretary of State to battle false election claims across Nebraska.

›› Opposed bad bills and initiatives. We educated voters on Initiative 432 and fought voter restriction bills at the State Capitol.

Learn more about Voting Rights Initiatives in 2022

In 2022, Civic Health Programs:

›› Bridged political divides. We hosted the Unify Challenge, one-on-one video conversations about the state’s issues; and screened PURPLE, a film about Americans with opposing viewpoints who unpack differences.

›› Supported neighborhoods. Collective Impact Lincoln led pro-affordable housing testimony at City Council and created the Equitable Development Scorecard to evaluate housing developments’ equity and affordability.

›› Trained and connected Nebraskans. From Omaha to Big Springs, we facilitated community meetings, surveys, and asset-based action plans.

Learn more about Civic Health Programs in 2022

In 2022, Youth Civic Leadership:

›› Wrote, curated, and published free online civics lessons. We also shared actions and assets for Nebraska educators of all grade levels.

›› Repackaged our popular middle school service-learning, empowerment, and civic journalism clubs into a single program. This school year, Civic Circles rolled out at a pair of Omaha middle schools to fanfare.

›› Continued and expanded community outreach. This guaranteed seamless support for students, families, and neighborhoods served by our six school-based programs in Lincoln and Omaha, as well as service-learning initiatives across Greater Nebraska.

Learn more about Youth Civic Leadership in 2022

We can’t wait for 2023 – not only so we can continue these projects, but also to introduce several new initiatives to build a more modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans.

As you consider your year-end giving, please know that every dollar of your support goes directly to our democracy-building initiatives.

Thank you for your continued support!


Adam Morfeld
Executive Director
Civic Nebraska