As Lincoln continues to welcome new neighbors while tackling the affordable housing gap, it’s essential that equity is at the center of our community’s growth. On May 11, Collective Impact Lincoln will host a dinner and discussion about the impacts of housing developments in Lincoln – and will share a new tool for Lincolnites to evaluate local housing developments.
RSVP today for this informal Community Builder Workshop, which will be from 5:30 to 7 pm at Antelope Park, Shelter No. 1 (info, map). Neighbors, friends, and families are welcome for free food, discussion, and the introduction of Collective Impact Lincoln’s Equitable Development Scorecard.
We’ve designed this scorecard for community members, city staff, and developers to uniformly evaluate whether a housing development will ultimately benefit the community and address affordable housing needs. The tool will be made widely available on Wednesday, May 4, on Collective Impact Lincoln’s website, and we hope you’ll join us for a look at how everyone can use the scorecard to close the affordable housing gap. You need only to bring yourself; we’ll bring the food and provide childcare!
Thank you for all that you do,
Your friends and neighbors at Collective Impact Lincoln