
Voter ID is back. It’s time to activate.

This week, a group filed for a statewide ballot initiative to put voter ID on the 2022 ballot. We oppose this unnecessary and costly initiative. 

Here’s why:  

 ›› Elections in Nebraska are already conducted efficiently, securely, and with integrity. The right for eligible Nebraskans to cast their ballots free from pointless obstacles must be protected at all costs. 

›› There’s no evidence of voter fraud in Nebraska. The only thing we are certain that voter ID measures would do is make it harder for eligible Nebraskans – especially younglow-incomerural, black and brown, and senior Nebraskans – to freely and fairly cast a ballot.   

›› Voter ID is complicated, ineffective, reactionary, and expensive. In addition to costing our state’s taxpayers millions of public dollars to implement and maintain, the burdening of voters with repetitive ID requirements does not make our elections more secure. In the end, voter ID makes us all less free.    

It’s time to activate.

 ›› Talk today with family, friends, and neighbors and encourage them to decline to sign, for the reasons above and for a host of others – including the untold and unpredictable burdens voter ID would place on a wide variety of Nebraska voters. 

›› Share Gavin’s Story: The Hidden Harm of Voter ID in your social networks. This short video story highlighting a typical Nebraska voter explains why voter ID is not the simple and straightforward measure that proponents often make it out to be. 

›› Join us for a virtual meeting at 4 pm CDT this Saturday [July 10, 2021] on Zoom to learn more about why voter ID harms voters, and what you can do to make your friends, family, and neighbors understand what’s at stake.