
It’s go time: Voter ID is on the schedule

On Feb. 17, the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee of the Nebraska Legislature will hear testimony on a pair of proposals that directly challenge our voting rights. From now through Feb. 17, we encourage you to tell our state senators to reject these harmful initiatives.


LB76: Electoral College
Hearing at 9:30 am | Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 | Room 1507 | Nebraska State Capitol

LB76 would change how our state allocates its five votes in the Electoral College to a winner-take-all system. Civic Nebraska opposes this bill for the same general reasons we oppose the Electoral College. We maintain that the candidate receiving the most votes should win the election, and while Nebraska’s current system is far from perfect LB76 just makes it worse. As it stands, the statewide popular vote winner automatically receives two Electoral College votes while the winner of the popular vote in each of Nebraska’s three Congressional districts receives one electoral vote. In 2008 and 2020, the 2nd Congressional District, which includes Douglas and Sarpy counties, allocated its Electoral College vote to a candidate other than the statewide popular vote winner.
LR3CA: Voter ID
Hearing at 1:30 pm | Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 | Room 1507 | Nebraska State Capitol

LR3CA is the latest in a series of attempts over the past decade to institute a harmful voter ID measure on the state’s voters. This proposed Constitutional amendment, which was introduced fewer than 24 hours after an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol incited by the myth of voter fraud, would write voter disenfranchisement into the Nebraska Constitution. It is a costly proposal that would require millions in taxpayer dollars to address a problem that doesn’t exist. There is zero evidence of voter fraud in Nebraska.


1. Come to Room 1507 at the State Capitol on Feb. 17 to testify against both proposals. In-person testimony is generally limited to five minutes, although the chair of each committee has the discretion to modify that time limit.

2. Submit written testimony in person. This year, committees are accepting written testimony for public hearings on a bill or resolution as a way for those who are concerned about safety by testifying in person but wish to have their testimony submitted, their name recorded on the committee statement, and included in the formal committee hearing record as if they had testified in person. You must submit 12 copies of your testimony in person between 8:30 and 9:30 am CST at the committee room where the hearing is set to take place. See this page for more guidelines and requirements for submitting written testimony in person.

3. Email a position letter stating your opposition to go***@le*.gov. If you can’t make it to the State Capitol on Feb. 17 or don’t feel safe testifying in person, this is the most effective method to share your voice. You must do this no later than noon CST on Feb. 16.

To be part of the public record, your email must include:
> your name and address;
> your position against the measure; and
> a sentence requesting that your letter be included in the record.

4. Share Gavin’s story. Watch our new video, Gavin’s Story: The Hidden Harm of Voter ID. Then, share it in your networks and encourage others to get involved.


We’re tracking nearly three dozen initiatives at the statehouse this year related to elections, voting, and voting rights. Here’s a handy guide to several of them, as well as specific ways to ensure your voice is heard as state lawmakers consider them. Feel free to keep our 2021 Voter Advocacy Toolkit nearby throughout the current session to assist you in your activism and advocacy.


Call on your social networks to join in the fight for voting rights with these digital posters. Get them all in different shapes and sizes here.