
3 things you can do TODAY to protect voting rights

The day after a violent mob of insurrectionists and white supremacists – driven by untruth and the myth of voter fraud – stormed our nation’s Capitol building, voter ID returned to Nebraska. LR3CA, a proposed constitutional amendment that would enshrine voter suppression into our state Constitution, was introduced by State Sen. Julie Slama at the Nebraska Legislature.

The time is now to stand up and speak out against the forces of untruth and myths of voter fraud, which have waged war on our democracy. Here’s what you can do TODAY to stop LR3CA from becoming a reality. Here’s what you can do TODAY to stop the myth of voter fraud from spreading. And here’s what you can do TODAY and help keep Black, Brown, rural, and low-income Nebraskans from being disenfranchised.


We suggest you reach out to the following senators along with your own:

Sen. Julie Slama – contact
Sen. Mike McDonnell – contact
Sen. Brett Lindstrom – contact
Sen. Mike Flood – contact
Sen. Myron Dorn – contact
Sen. Rich Pahls – contact

Here’s a sample contact:

My name is (Your Name here). I’m a constituent of Senator (Your Senator’s name here) and I wanted to call/write/email and urge the senator to stand up for Nebraskans, the truth, and our voices by opposing the voter ID bill, LR3CA.

LR3CA is dangerous to democracy because
(Pick one or two messages reasons that ring especially true for you)

* LR3CA would further promote the myth of voter fraud that helped drive the violent mob of insurrectionists and white supremacists that stormed our nation’s Capitol building. There has never been a conviction on voter impersonation fraud in the state of Nebraska – or even a tangible problem of voter fraud.

* LR3CA would suppress the votes of Black and Brown, differently-abled, elderly, and rural voters.

* LR3CA would force the Legislature to create a voter ID law and put disenfranchisement at the heart of  Nebraska’s constitution via constitutional amendment.

* This will waste millions of taxpayer dollars while risking the disenfranchisement of thousands of Nebraska voters.

(Or another reason you are against the legislation. Please let the senator know LR3CA would be bad for their constituents and the entire state of Nebraska.)

Thank you.
(Your Name)

* You can find contact information for all Nebraska state senators at

** Once you contact a state senator’s office, let us know what they said at


It is vital to stop myths about voter fraud in their tracks when you see or hear them. Here is a good resource on the topic from The Brennan Center that can help, as well as our own resources from 2020, the last time voter ID was proposed at the statehouse. The verdict is in from every corner that voter fraud is sufficiently rare that it simply could not and does not happen at a rate even remotely approaching that which would be required to “rig” an election.

Electoral integrity is key to our democracy, and politicians who genuinely care about protecting our elections should focus not on phantom fraud concerns, but on what actually threatens our elections, such as myth-making that crushes faith in our institutions – and prompts literal assaults on them.


This is a crucial time for our state and our nation, and all must step forward as partisans for democracy. We must not continue to damage our nation through reactionary, harmful legislation designed to exclude our fellow citizens from the democratic process. The forces of untruth remain at work, and so must we. We must not falter in creating a more modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans.

This job awaits each and every one of us. It begins right now.

Thank you for all that you do,

John Cartier, Director of Voting Rights

Brad Christian-Sallis, Voting Rights Field Director