Dear Friends,
One short year from now, Nebraskans will cast their ballots in the 2020 election. It will be an exciting time for our democracy – but at the same time, we know that democracy doesn’t begin or end at the ballot box. Day-in, day-out participation, from kindergartners to senior citizens, is vital for a nation and a state that values equality, justice, and progress.

That’s why Civic Nebraska does what we do: introducing civic engagement early in children’s lives; connecting Nebraskans of all ages with one another and their institutions to strengthen the state’s civic health; and protecting Nebraskans’ voting rights.
Today, I’m pleased to share with you Civic Nebraska’s 2019 annual report, All Rise. Our momentum this year has meant increased civic power in communities, neighborhoods, schools, and institutions across the state. All Rise tells the story of Civic Nebraska creating a more modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans. You have been a big part of this story. Together, with your support, everyone rises.
I hope you enjoy looking through Civic Nebraska’s 2019 highlights, and I’m eager for us to continue working together in 2020 and beyond.
Thank you, sincerely, for your continued support and friendship.

Adam Morfeld, J.D.
Executive Director and Founder
Civic Nebraska