Civic Nebraska is a proud partner of the Together, One Lincoln project – a citywide initiative focusing on how each of us can help create a community of racial equity by starting a conversation.
At this moment, we have an opportunity to look at the world with new understanding. In the wake of current events, many people are asking how can I help? and what can I do? While policy changes are important, that is not the only work to be done. We need to talk with and listen to one another.
These conversations don’t have to be public. They can be at the dinner table or at the end of the driveway. They can be in person or through digital airwaves.
This initiative fits closely with our work in the area of civil discourse – Nebraskans gathering, listening to one another, debating, deciding, and then charting a course for action. As a Together, One Lincoln partner, we’re eager to do our part to build a better community.
Go to to get started. There, you’ll find information on opening questions, tips for how to have difficult conversations, reading lists, and links to other organizations that are ready to host community conversations.
Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable community. Together, we’re ready.