
The civic effect of ‘psychological safety’

A lot happened since you last heard from me. I moved to Omaha and started anew at Immigrant Legal Center – an ever-growing nonprofit with offices across Nebraska. As with any major […]

What’s the message?

At the beginning of every school year, students of all ages and their families meet at their soon-to-be institutions of learning for what is now a tradition known widely across […]

A devotional for democracy

As a former high school history teacher, I often get inspiration from great moments in history — such as the Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Lincoln. The president dedicated a […]

Happy 152nd, Nebraska — and thanks, Sen. Norris

Today, as we celebrate Nebraska’s 152nd birthday, there is a lot to celebrate. Nebraska continually ranks one of the happiest states in the nation, our agriculture continues to feed nations […]