The civic effect of ‘psychological safety’
A lot happened since you last heard from me. I moved to Omaha and started anew at Immigrant Legal Center – an ever-growing nonprofit with offices across Nebraska. As with any major […]
Graduation is a declaration of independence — and of hope
Growing up in Orchard, the month of May meant two things – the end of school and graduation. Like most schools across the state, Graduation Day was filled with the […]
Here’s how to supercharge civic education in Nebraska
My first job out of college was teaching social studies at South Platte High School in Big Springs. The job came open when the former social studies teacher, Virginia Krajewski, […]
To sound out real change, get un-com-fort-a-ble
Her name was Liza. She was 8 years old and a second grader at Burton Elementary on the south side of Grand Rapids. We met on Thursdays at 1 in […]
What’s the message?
At the beginning of every school year, students of all ages and their families meet at their soon-to-be institutions of learning for what is now a tradition known widely across […]
A devotional for democracy
As a former high school history teacher, I often get inspiration from great moments in history — such as the Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Lincoln. The president dedicated a […]
‘Doing a Thing’ only requires you and your ideas
Once upon a time, there was a French political scientist named Alexis de Tocqueville. He visited the United States and studied our style of democracy. The natural ease with which […]
Happy 152nd, Nebraska — and thanks, Sen. Norris
Today, as we celebrate Nebraska’s 152nd birthday, there is a lot to celebrate. Nebraska continually ranks one of the happiest states in the nation, our agriculture continues to feed nations […]