Hope persists
Hope is not ignorant of current events, nor phased by pandemic. Hope understands the social climate of anger and distrust that citizens have against the government and many levels of political leadership. And it carries on.
Going to the source – not to the symptoms – of civic pain
Public anger can be misleading, Kevin Shinn writes, making it easy to overlook the real issues that are causing the problem and to get sidetracked by the symptoms demanding immediate relief.
For a change in attitude, we need some altitude
Seemingly implacable problems harden when attacked with simplistic solutions, Kevin Shinn writes.
Keep the faith – change won’t happen without it
When faith is absent, hope will also be missing, Kevin Shinn writes.
The wisdom of taking a Second Look
In our instant-gratification world, wisdom can reward a citizen with a better outcome if we slow down and pay closer attention, Kevin Shinn writes.
The challenge of our age: Moving past our rage
Anger is a call to action. But anger alone will not lead our country toward useful, lasting change or diminish injustice, Kevin Shinn writes.
Beyond the chagrin of losing our smiles
Kevin Shinn on the newfound challenge of relating with other humans in an age of face masks.
Don’t stop believing – and working to understand others, too
Kevin Shinn on holding strong beliefs, and understanding that those who believe differently may also have a point.
Hear, hear!: How the simple act of listening builds democracy
There’s an old proverb that states some timely wisdom for today: A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind. This advice is attributed to […]
On the menu or in life, change means listening, learning
As a chef, I had the privilege of owning and leading the operations of a small restaurant based on an original concept for 10 years. It was founded on a […]