
The 2024 Summer of Democracy Reading List: Let’s get your picks!

As summer approaches, so does the season of summer reading lists. What better way to expand your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world around you than through a good page-turner? That’s where Civic Nebraska’s Summer of Democracy Reading List comes in.
For the past seven years, Civic Nebraska has curated a selection of thought-provoking books about various aspects of democracy, including history, current events, politics, civic health, and the social sciences. This initiative isn’t just about summertime reading; it’s about empowering us all to be better-informed citizens and more active community members.
The Summer of Democracy Reading List is made of, by, and for the people. We invite readers to submit their suggested titles for this year’s reading list by May 17, 2024.
We keep this nomination process pretty informal: If you’ve got titles in mind that you believe are worthy of wider exposure, please share them! In an email, please write a few sentences about your nomination(s), explaining how the book(s) highlights civic values, promotes strong communities, or advocates for fundamental American rights.
To get an idea of what we usually look for, here are past Summer of Democracy Reading Lists: 202320222021202020192018
Our team will carefully review each suggestion once we’ve gathered all the submissions. Then, on Memorial Day, we’ll unveil the official 2024 Reading List. So, let’s hear your recommendations! Let’s make this summer a time for deepening our understanding of democracy and renewing our commitment to building a more just and equitable society.