
Statement on Initiative 432

The campaign in opposition to Initiative 432 aimed to show Nebraskans the very real effect this initiative will have on our voter protections, as well as the costs and consequences of making it harder for everyone in our state to vote. These efforts did not overcome the persistence of The Big Lie and repeated assaults on the reputation of our elections.

We are grateful to our partners and volunteers for educating voters on the costs, complications, and consequences of Initiative 432. We appreciate the legions of Nebraskans who voted to reject this harmful measure. We also look forward to engaging with those who voted in good conscience to approve it. Our job is to advocate for all Nebraska voters, and we will redouble our efforts to do just that at the statehouse in January.

Nebraskans should expect the same politicians who spent so much time and money to sell this vague bill of goods to now work to impose one of the most restrictive voter ID mandates in the country. As we begin the next phase of opposition to this new burden on voters, we challenge our fellow Nebraskans to remain informed, active, and engaged. It is every Nebraskan’s duty and responsibility to form the Legislature’s “Second House,” and the work begins tonight.

– Civic Nebraska
On behalf of Nebraskans for Free and Fair Elections