
Civic Saturday: Dare Mighty Things is Oct. 22 in Lincoln

Civic Nebraska will host the final Civic Saturday of 2022 at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22, at Antelope Park in Lincoln.

Civic Saturday encourages us to reflect with others on our common civic purpose, challenges us to consider how we are living up to the American creed, and inspires us to live like citizens now and in the future.

What happens at Civic Saturday? There will be live, sing-along music from Jonathan Leach, original poetry from local poet Jordan Charlton, inspiring readings of “civic scripture” from community members, and a “civic sermon” from Steve Smith, a local author, community advocate, and national Civic Saturday fellow.

The gatherings began six years ago in Seattle, and have expanded to more than 120 cities across the United States. This is Civic Nebraska’s eleventh Civic Saturday, dating back to December 2019.

The theme for the Oct. 22 gathering is Dare Mighty Things and will focus on what we all can do beyond voting to inspire powerful citizenship in ourselves and others.

“Civic Saturday is a much-needed antidote to our polarized, isolating, and overheated public discourse, especially in an election year,” Smith said. “As Nebraskans and Americans, we need to gather in good faith with friends and strangers on behalf of our democracy.”

Civic Saturdays also provide opportunities for participants to engage in small-group discussions if they wish.

“Those who gather at Civic Saturday often share with us just how much the experience energizes and recharges them,” Smith said.

The gathering is free and open to the public. To save your spot, please use the form below! Hope to see you Oct. 22.