
Meet Heidi Uhing, our new director of public policy

Heidi Uhing, a skillful communicator with a deep knowledge of the statehouse, is Civic Nebraska’s director of public policy. She began her new role on July 19.

Heidi Uhing

As Civic Nebraska’s point person on policy matters, Heidi coordinates our voting rights efforts and strategies across each of our three program areas. She also serves as our registered lobbyist, which means she builds and maintains relationships with policymakers and staff; creates and carries out policy goals at the local, state, and federal levels; and ensures our policy work complies with state and federal regulations.

Before joining Civic Nebraska, Heidi directed the Legislature’s Unicameral Information Office for 10 years. She edited the Unicameral Update, which reports on bills as they move through the legislative process. Heidi also directed the Legislature’s civic education programs and earned Civic Nebraska’s Outstanding Youth Engagement Program Award in 2016. Heidi also previously worked as ACLU of Nebraska’s director of communications and supported research communications at the University of Nebraska.

“Civic Nebraska has a well-earned reputation at the Capitol as a thoughtful, nonpartisan presence that makes positive contributions to our lawmaking process,” Heidi said. “I’m eager to build on that reputation while advocating for legislation that improves our elections and protects voters.”

Heidi, who earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Iowa and is completing a master’s in journalism and public relations from Nebraska U., is active in Lincoln’s Woods Park neighborhood. She lives there with music librarian Scott Scholz and their backyard chickens.

We’re glad Heidi is on our team! Join us in welcoming her to Civic Nebraska; she’s at he*********@ci***********.org.