Happy Friday, Voting Rights Advocates! Here’s the list of bills introduced that Civic Nebraska is tracking so far, here on the eighth day of the 106th Nebraska Legislature and the seventh day of bill introduction. Bill introduction ends Jan. 24.
Civic Nebraska supports:
LB83 (Sen. Justin Wayne) immediately restores voting rights upon completion of a felony sentence or probation for a felony.

LR2 (Sen. Carol Blood) rescinds any previous resolutions calling for an Article V U.S. Constitutional Convention, removing Nebraska from the list of states with open applications that call for the Convention.
LB211 (Sen. Sue Crawford) provides for nonpartisan county elections.
LB163 (Sen. Megan Hunt) allows counties of any size to take advantage of a vote-by-mail standard in one or more precincts with the secretary of state’s permission.
LB253 (Sen. John McCollister) introduces the Redistricting Act
LB261 (Sen. Wendy DeBoer) requiring use of redistricting maps drawn using state-issued computer software
Civic Nebraska opposes:
LR7 (Sen. Steve Halloran) Resolution to Congress for convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution
LR9 (Sen. Justin Wayne) Resolution to Congress for convention of the states to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution
LB451 (Sen. Steve Halloran) Faithful Delegate to Federal Article V Convention Act
You can find more talking points and information here, as well as our breakdown of the Constitutional Convention issue so far.
Every bill introduced gets a hearing, so stay tuned for details about those dates, as well.

Be ready to take action.
As the session progresses, we will continue to keep you updated and let you know when we need you to reach out to your representative. If you speak with your senator, we please ask that you record your response here. Here is an example script you can use to contact your elected officials for any issue:
My name is_________. I’m a constituent of Senator ________ and
live at (address) and I wanted to call/write/email and urge the Senator to stand up for Nebraskans
and our voices by supporting/opposing_______. I believe ________ is good/bad
(Pick one or two messages from the links above or another reason you are for/against bill.)
Please let the senator know____________ would be good/badfor their constituents and the entire state of Nebraska. Thank you.

Meetups and trainings
Let us know if you have an opportunity for Team Voting Rights to present to a group our advocacy training — or, if you have anyone who is interested in voting rights, share this page with them and encourage them to become a Voting Rights Advocate.

Brad Christian-Sallis
Voting Rights Policy Organizer