
ACTION ALERT: Winner-take-all hearings scheduled for Jan. 30 at 1:30pm CST. Click here to voice your opposition NOW!

Our Omaha CLCs score highly in staff satisfaction

We’re obviously biased, but we believe Civic Nebraska is a great place to work. Our mission is to serve and lift up our fellow Nebraskans to participate in our democracy – important work that can be very rewarding and affirming. We see anecdotal evidence of staff satisfaction and enthusiasm every day, but we’re also grateful whenever we get our hands on empirical evidence.
Which is what we got recently, when our partners at Collective For Youth – which oversees all Omaha school-based Community Learning Centers – shared the latest survey results from our CLC staff at Sherman and Lothrop elementary schools. The survey gauged everything from whether staff has the tools and training to excel to their agencies’ understanding and support of their work in the after-school space. Survey results showed Civic Nebraska excelling across the board. The following percentages indicate positive responses:
A few definitions:
›› Agency relationship refers to how on-site staff feels about the support their agency (that’s us) provides, as well as facilitates their understanding of expectations. We’re grateful to be leaders in this area.
›› Supervisor relationship measures the extent to which CLC staff feels supported by their on-site supervisor, and whether that supervisor facilitates their development and keeps their role clear.
›› Work process measures staff’s view of how efficiently day-to-day work gets done at their CLC, how well the staff works together, whether adults are readily available to our youth, and how satisfied staff is with CLC work.
›› Job engagement measures the extent to which an employee is engaged. We’re not surprised to see how positively our staff self-reported in this category.
›› Social-emotional learning and skill perception measures how staff members estimate their abilities relating to their SEL skills. We’re pleased to be leaders in this category.
›› Equity measures the extent to which agencies are supporting an equity focus embedded in our work – training, support, and communication regarding the issues, backgrounds, and experiences of the families we serve. We compare well with the citywide average and seek to improve this area.
Bottom line: We have great staff in our Omaha Youth Civic Leadership programs – and in all six of our school-based CLCs in Omaha and in Lincoln, frankly. They’re well-led and well-supported, they’re good at what they do, and as a result, we compare very well with peer organizations in the Nebraska after-school space. Of course, there’s still work to do. We’re committed to making Civic Nebraska as engaging, efficient, and stimulating a workplace as possible.
On that note: Do you have what it takes to build young civic leaders? As the new school year approaches, we’re hiring several part-time school-based CLC positions. Join our team to make a difference in the lives of young people, experience strong agency management and support, and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done!